9 Lucky Winners Won 4D Result RM11.6mil Jackpot
9 Lucky Winners Won 4D Result RM11.6mil Jackpot
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9 lucky winners won Da Ma Cai 1+3D Jackpot prize of RM11.6mil recently.
There are plenty of ways to invest in the 4D Result Da Ma Cai 1+3D Jackpot, including straight bet, box bet, system bet and lucky pick, etc. in order to increase the chances of winning. All of the 9 lucky winners purchased Da Ma Cai latest and unique HSSB, and have been able to share the lucrative 1+3D Jackpot prize.

9 Lucky Winners Won 4D Result RM11.6mil Jackpot
Unlike the usual system bet, HSSB allows players to buy a share of a system bet to not just lower the cost of investment and also increase the chances of winning the jackpot. Players only need to pay for only 1 share or more in order to have the opportunity to win the 4D Result 1+3D jackpot instead of paying for the entire costly system bet.
HSSB allows players to buy 1 or more share of a system bet depending on how many shares are available, but do not have to buy all the shares of the entire system bet. 4D Result HSSB has made system bet affordable and players need not pool money with others to buy a system bet. Currently, there are 30 types of 4D Result HSSB for the players to choose from, ranging from HSSB 10 (investment of RM10) to HSSB 150 (investment of RM150)