Cashsweep 4D Result Support Education
Cashsweep 4D Result Support Education
Cashsweep 4D Result damacai support education for the xuelong primary school students provide a total 449,124 million reference books.
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F Cashsweep 4D Result Support Education
Cashsweep 4D Result 354 schools 10,290 students from around the country, in the national activities of the student assistance program benefits. Horse color and its sales agent in this activity value RM1,069,062 were donated to benefit the students. Sponsored students this year from Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Johor, Perak, Penang, Kedah, Perlis, and Melaka Negeri Sembilan and Pahang.
Damacai continues to implement its “from society, society of” goal, the student assistance scheme introduced in 2013. damacai and its sales agent once again to lend a helping hand to poor students to help them prepare for the school year of 2014. This corporate social responsibility activity aims to actively contribute to the education of students in Malaysia to strengthen Malaysias education level.
As part of this national campaign, a total of 4,380 students from xuelong 146 schools granted a total of 449,124 books.Cashsweep 4D Result Beneficiary students each received a total of ten and contains the account reference book, so that you can cope with the visit of 2014 primary school exam (UPSR).
Today, a total of 810 students from 27 schools in Kuala Lumpur, in strong South China organized the ceremony to receive the transfer of student assistance plan reference book. In addition, the relevant units will also hold similar activities in other parts of the State, issued the same reference to the remaining students will benefit.
damacai Kuala Lumpur Senior Regional Manager, Xu Ruide said: “the student aid plan aimed at assisting poor students, I believe that this time as they provide a reference and allows them to prepare for the new school year in this important, and hopes that they can get good results. ”
Under the student assistance plan, damacai sales representatives elected in their respective business communities to benefit from the school. Cashsweep 4D Result Each school will select 30 5 grade, especially benefited students from low-income families.
Xu added: “the student aid plan has been held for 23. We spare no effort for education, because education is a priority for our corporate social responsibility. ”