
Carry out 4D lottery security warning education


Carry out 4D lottery security warning education

Risk assessment and control and other special training; to strengthen the Singapore 4D technical maintenance and safety management, regular organization of the exercise; 4D Result 24 hours on duty monitoring, set the management process, grasp the safety of the bottom line to protect the operation. In terms of regulatory management, Magnum 4D News through the source of prevention, process control, end governance, to prevent risks.

Develop a Magnum 4D Malaysia party building

Anti-corruption division of labor responsibility system, 4D Result Malaysia Live to make clean through practitioners throughout the revised and perfect financial management, internal control, market management and other three categories of 35 system approach. Will protect the system, Magnum 4D Past Result management strategy and awareness of the combination of training to enhance the level of operation and promote healthy and rapid development. Compliance with the integrity of the operation to bear the responsibility of the Lottery Lottery Lottery is both enthusiastic public charity, but also Fucai institutions of consumers, shopping to promote social welfare, but also enrich the public leisure life. Protect the interests of Lottery, to create a rational color of the purchase of color, is the welfare of the majority of Lottery should bear the responsibility. In 2015, Chongqing Fucai organization nearly ten thousand practitioners signed Magnum 4D Tips, publicity “ten standard”, “nine taboo”, is committed to enhance the purchase of color services and experience. In order to curb irrational buy color, pay attention to the combination of prevention and control, to carry out systematic professional training; to develop “Lottery help plan”; “quick game” risk control; abnormal site tracking; betting limit; dynamic limit, to prevent large betting chase The establishment of video-type lottery database, tracking Lottery betting; the establishment of social workers departments, dealing with irrational Lottery problem.

Systematically directs CashSweep 4D Result entertainment

Easy to buy color, happy experience. 4D Result Malaysia Practicing Public Charity Charges for Social Responsibility In 2009, the China Charity Federation rated the welfare lottery as 4D Result Malaysia Promotion. Welfare lottery is to raise social welfare funds, supply civil funds, the construction of social welfare and health, public welfare is its fundamental attribute. Fucai sales agencies should assume the responsibility of the community, cohesion and dissemination of positive energy,